B.D. Lenz Trio with Kim & Mike Cypher, Smokey Joe’s Coffee Bar & Diner, Cheltenham, 27/07/2023.
Baptiste Trotignon and Mark Turner, Partager Festival, King’s Place, London. 07/05/2010
Bass 12 Brass Band, Black Mountain Jazz, The Melville Centre, Abergavenny, 29/05/2022.
Brandon Allen / Tim Lapthorn Quartet, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 11/05/2019.
Bazmatron / Group Listening, Sy: gigs, Unitarian Church, Shrewsbury, 28/06/2024.
Beats & Pieces Big Band, The Sound Castle, Hay-On-Wye, 02/06/2012 (part of Hay Festival).
Beats & Pieces Big Band, The Hare & Hounds, Kings Heath, Birmingham, 01/10/2015.
Becki Biggins Quartet, Black Mountain Jazz, Melville Centre, Abergavenny, 19/05/2019.
Bella Collins/Gareth Evans & John-paul Gard/Phill ‘Redfox’ O’Sullivan, Brecon Jazz Club, 15/12/2015
Ben Creighton Griffiths / Duski, Black Mountain Jazz, The Melville Centre, Abergavenny, 26/11/2016.
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