Will Butterworth and Dylan Howe, Stravinsky Duo, Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, Powys 06/11/2009
Twisted Toons - The Music of Raymond Scott
Twisted Toons, The Music of Raymond Scott, Black Mountain Jazz, Kings Arms, Abergavenny, 25/03/2012.
Stuart Henderson & Vasilis Xenopoulos w. the Simon Price Trio, Progress Theatre, Reading, 24/03/16
?Too Cool, The Life and Music of Chet Baker?, Birchmeadow Centre, Broseley, Shropshire, 24/04/2015.
Swing From Paris, Kidderminster Jazz Club, 45 Live Venue, Kidderminster, 04/05/2023.
Swing From Paris, Kilpeck Village Hall, Kilpeck, Herefordshire, 13/10/2023.
Swing Style Quartet, Brecon Jazz Club, The Muse Arts Centre, Brecon, 11/12/2018.
Talinka, Black Mountain Jazz, The Melville Centre, Abergavenny, 25/02/2018.
Talinka, Black Mountain Jazz, Melville Centre, Abergavenny, 02/02/2020.
Tam de Villiers Quartet, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 14/03/2015.
Tamasin Reardon’s Ad-Lib, Black Mountain Jazz, Kings Arms, Abergavenny, 26/04/2015.
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