Inspector Gadjo Trio featuring Casey Greene, The Charlton Arms, Ludlow, Shropshire. 24/06/2010
Interplay / Sonrisa, Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry, 08/06/2014.
Ivo Neame and Maciek Pysz Duo, Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton, 24/09/2016.
Jack Mac Trio with Michael Blanchfield, Brecon Jazz Club, The Muse Arts Centre, Brecon, 11/06/2024.
Jah Wobble, Clive Bell and Philip Jeck at Ledbury Poetry Festival, 12/07/2013.
Jakub Klimiuk Quintet, Music Spoken Here, The Marr’s Bar, Worcester, 31/10/2024.
Jam Experiment, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 17/06/017.
Jam Experiment, Progress Theatre, Reading, Berkshire, 31/08/2018.
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