Winner of the Parliamentary Jazz Award for Best Media, 2019


Jah Wobble, Clive Bell and Philip Jeck

Jah Wobble, Clive Bell and Philip Jeck at Ledbury Poetry Festival, 12/07/2013.

jaimie branch

Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((world war))

Fly or Die Live

Fly or Die II; bird dogs of paradise

Jake McMurchie Quartet

Jake McMurchie Quartet, Dempsey’s, Cardiff, 26/10/2016.

Jakob Bro


Jakob Sorensen




Jakub Klimiuk Quintet

Jakub Klimiuk Quintet, Music Spoken Here, The Marr’s Bar, Worcester, 31/10/2024.

Jam Experiment

Jam Experiment, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 17/06/017.

Jam Experiment, Progress Theatre, Reading, Berkshire, 31/08/2018.

James Allsopp Quartet plays Stan Getz

James Allsopp Quartet, ‘Plays Stan Getz’, Shrewsbury Jazz Network, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 12/10/2024.

James Borland Quintet featuring George Crowley

James Borland Quintet featuring George Crowley, Corn Exchange Jazz Club, The Corn Exchange, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, 12/09/2024.

James Chadwick


James Chadwick Trio

James Chadwick Trio, Black Mountain Jazz, Kings Arms, Abergavenny, 28/06/2015.

Inside Out

James Copus


James Farm

James Farm

James Hickman & Dan Cassidy

Severn Street

James Hickman & Dan Cassidy, Tarc Gallery, Stanford Bridge, Worcestershire, 27/11/2012.

James Kitchman

First Quartet

James Morton’s Porkchop

Don’t You Worry ‘Bout That

James Rosocha


James Tartaglia’s Free Funk Assembly featuring Annie Whitehead

Dark Metaphysic

James Taylor Quartet (JTQ)

New World

Jamil Sheriff Quintet featuring Beverley Beirne

The Ilkley Suite

Jan Lundgren Trio

Jane Ira Bloom


Jas Kayser & Chums

Jas Kayser & Chums, Music Spoken Here, The Marr’s Bar, Worcester, 23/01/2025.

Jason Palmer and Cedric Hanriot : City of Poets

City of Poets, Dempsey’s, Cardiff, 23/09/2014.

City of Poets

Jason Rebello & Tim Garland

Life to Life

Jason Rebello Trio

Jason Rebello Trio, Maidment Auditorium, Shrewsbury School, Shrewsbury, 27/02/2015.

Jason Robinson

The Two Faces Of Janus

Jasper Hoiby

Fellow Creatures

Jay Phelps

Jay Walkin’

Jay Phelps Quintet, ‘A Kind of Blue & Miles Davis’, Wall2Wall Jazz Festival, Black Mountain Jazz, Melville Centre Theatre, Abergavenny, 28/09/2024

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