Winner of the Parliamentary Jazz Award for Best Media, 2019


Joe Downard

Seven Japanese Tales

Joe McPhee Survival Unit III

Joe McPhee Survival Unit III, The Vortex, London, 21/10/2010

Joe Morris

High Definition

Joe Morris,  Tony Bevan, Dominic Lash, Tony Buck @ The Vortex, London 28/10/2009

Joe Northwood’s Tuk Tuk with Geoff Simkins

Joe Northwood’s Tuk Tuk with Geoff Simkins, Dempsey’s, Cardiff, 23/11/2016.

Joe Northwood’s Tuk Tuk with Nick Malcolm

Joe Northwood’s Tuk Tuk with Nick Malcolm, Dempsey’s, Cardiff, 25/01/2017.

Joe O’Donnell

Gael’s Vision - 40th Anniversary Edition

Joe Webb

Summer Chill

Joe Zawinul

Money In The Pocket

Joel Harrison

Still Point : Turning World

Joel Harrison & Anupam Shobhakar’s Multiplicity

Leave The Door Open

Joel Harrison 5

Spirit House

John Abercrombie / Marc Copland Duo

John Abercrombie / Marc Copland Duo, The Recital Hall, Birmingham Conservatoire, 28/11/2016.

John Bailey

Oneiric Sounds

John Biddulph plus support Aisha Vaughan

John Biddulph ‘Voyage of The Beagle’ plus support Ashia Vaughan, Sy Gigs, Unitarian Church, Shrewsbury, 28/02/2025.

John Butcher

Invisible Ear and somethingtobesaid

John Crawford

Ulia River of Time

Times and Tides

Room for Dancing

John Donegan - The Irish Sextet

Shadows Linger

Light Streams

We Will Meet Again, Sometime

John Ellis

Evolution : Seeds & Streams

John Escreet

Sabotage And Celebration

Seismic Shift

the epicenter of your dreams

John Etheridge & Vimala Rowe

Out Of The Sky

John Etheridge Blue Spirits Trio

John Etheridge Blue Spirits Trio, Cheltenham Jazz Club, The Victory Club, Cheltenham, 30/06/2023.

John Etheridge with the Remi Harris Trio

John Etheridge with the Remi Harris Trio at The Hatch, Lindridge, Tenbury Wells, Worcs. 29/03/2012.

John Etheridge’s Sweet Chorus

John Etheridge’s Sweet Chorus, Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, Powys, 27/11/2010

Small Hotel

John Hallam with the Remi Harris Trio

John Hallam with the Remi Harris Trio, Yardbird Arts Club, The Hatch, Eardiston, Worcs. 27/06/2017.

John Heavens

Big City Calling

John Horler Trio

John Horler Trio,  A Tribute to Bill Evans, Progress Theatre, Reading, Berkshire, 04/03/2022.

John Law Trio

Live: Kings Arms, Abergavenny, 31/05/2009

John Law’s Congregation


John Law’s Opt Trio

John Law’s Opt Trio, Black Mountain Jazz, Kings Arms, Abergavenny,27/02/2011

John Law’s Re-Creations

John Law’s Re-Creations, Progress Theatre, Reading, Berkshire, 05/01/2018.

John Law’s Re-Creations, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 18/03/2023.

Many Moons

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