Winner of the Parliamentary Jazz Award for Best Media, 2019


Julian & Roman Wasserfuhr

Upgraded In Gothenburg

Julian Arg?elles Quartet/Gourlay Gavita Big Band

Con Fest 2010 - Con Cellar Bar, London - April 23, 2010

Julian Arguelles


Let It Be Told





Julian Arguelles’ Tetra

Julian Arguelles’ Tetra, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 18/06/2016.

Julian Costello & Vertigo

Julian Costello & Vertigo

Julian Costello Quartet


Connections; without borders

Julian Costello Quartet, Kidderminster Jazz Club, 45 Live Venue, Kidderminster, 06/07/2023.

And All The Birds Were Set Free

Julian Nicholas / Emil Viklicky / Petr Dvorsky / Dave Wickins

One Two Three Four

Julian Siegel Jazz Orchestra

Julian Siegel Jazz Orchestra, Town Hall, Birmingham, 19/03/2017.

Tales from the Jacquard

Julian Siegel Quartet

Urban Theme Park

Julian Siegel Quartet, Dempsey’s, Cardiff, 12/10/2011.

Julian Siegel Quartet, The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, 26/05/2012.


Julian Siegel Quartet, The Hive Music & Media Centre, Shrewsbury, 14/04/2018.

Julian Siegel Trio

Live At The Vortex

The Vortex, 20/01/09

Julie Campiche Quartet


Julie Campiche Quartet, Livestream from Unterfahrt Jazz Club, Munich, Germany, 28/04/2021.

You Matter

Julien Lourau

Quartet Saigon

Juliet Arthur with the John McDonald Quartet

Juliet Arthur with the John McDonald Quartet, Kidderminster Jazz Club, The Corn Exchange Room, Town Hall, Kidderminster, Worcs. 01/12/2022.

Jure Pukl



Broken Circles

Jure Pukl Slavic Soul Trio

Jure Pukl Slavic Soul Trio, Dempsey’s, Cardiff, 02/09/2010

Kairos 4tet

Kairos Moment

Kairos 4tet, Rush Hour Blues, Symphony Hall Foyer, Birmingham, 05/02/2010

Live: Kairos 4tet, 606 Club, London 24/03/2010

Statement Of Intent

Kairos 4tet, The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, 15/10/2011.

Everything We Hold

Kansas Smitty’s

Things Happened Here

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Kareem Kandi World Orchestra

Kareem Kandi World Orchestra, Cave Romangan, Nice, France, 09/03/2024.

Karen Lane

Beautiful Love

Karen Sharp Trio

Another Place

Karim Saber Quintet

Karim Saber Quintet minus one Oxford University Jazz Society at the Mad Hatter, Oxford, 12/02/2025.

Kate & Mike Westbrook

Art Wolf

Mike Westbrook’s Glad Day, The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, Shropshire. 15/05/2010

Kate Shortt

Something to Tell You

Kate Westbrook

The Nijinska Chamber

Kate Williams’  Four Plus Three meets Georgia Mancio

Finding Home

Kate Williams’  Four Plus Three meets Georgia Mancio, “Finding Home”, Progress Theatre, Reading, Berkshire, 06/03/2020.

Kathrine Windfeld Big Band


Kathrine Windfeld Sextet

Kathrine Windfeld Sextet, Livestream from Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club, Soho, London, 15/11/2021 (Part of EFG London Jazz Festival).

Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman

Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman, The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, 17/02/2013.

Katriona Taylor

Precious Time

Blind Passion

Keith Jarrett and Charlie Haden

“Jasmine”-reviewed by Tom Gray

“Jasmine” -reviewed by Tim Owen

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