Trio led by the young Scottish pianist and composer Fergus McCreadie and featuring David Bowden (double bass) and Stephen Henderson (drums, percussion). Their debut album “Turas” has attracted considerable acclaim and won the award for “Best Album” at the 2019 Parliamentary Jazz Awards.
"The level of empathy and maturity from such a young group was little short of astonishing and the success that “Turas”, their debut album, has brought them is thoroughly deserved."
"This may still be a young band but they have already established a phenomenal level of rapport that demands that they should already be regarded as one of Europe’s premier piano trios."
"McCreadie brings a uniquely Scottish voice to contemporary jazz. His sense of melody remains undimmed but the interaction between the members of the trio is even more vigorous and vibrant than before."
"Guest contributor Colin May enjoys a performance by the Fergus McCreadie Trio during a recent visit to Tyneside."