Trio led by pianist, composer and arranger Frank Harrison and currently featuring bassist Dave Whitford and drummer Enzo Zirilli.
Albums “First Light” (2006) ,“Sideways” (2012) and “Lunaris” (2014)
Harrison is also a key member of Gilad Atzmon’s Orient House Ensemble.
"An intelligent, musicianly album with some first rate original tunes and some ingenious interpretations of jazz and folk standards."
"This is an excellent debut from Harrison and as critics have pointed out an incredibly mature statement from such a young musician."
""Fiercely imaginative and interactive music making from a very well matched trio". Ian Mann enjoys the music of the Frank Harrison Trio and takes a look at their new album "Lunaris"."
"Two sets of music that saw this highly interactive trio stretching the fabric of the largely standards based material and finding something new to say on even the most familiar of tunes."