Brilliant young London based quartet led by the saxophonist Adam Waldmann and featuring Jasper Hoiby (bass), Jon Scott (drums) and Rob Barron (piano). For the band’s second album “Statement Of Intent” released April 2011 Rob Barron replaced by Ivo Neame.
Third album “Everything We Hold” released June 2013 includes apprarances by guest vocalists Emilia Martensson, Marc O’Reilly and Omar Lye Fook.
"Kairos have created an album that seems set to increase their across the board appeal but without in any way compromising their artistic or political integrity."
"An astonishingly mature début from this highly accomplished quartet led by saxophonist Adam Waldmann"
"A worthy successor to their remarkable début."
"Tom Gray of the London Jazz Blog reviews Kairos' recent London show at the 606 Club"
"Ian Mann on Birmingham Jazz's "Rush Hour Blues" concert series, this week featuring the music of Kairos 4tet "