Winner of the Parliamentary Jazz Award for Best Media, 2019

Jazz News

R.I.P. Chris Barber (1930 - 2021).

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

News has reached us of the passing of the veteran trombonist and bandleader Chris Barber. Statement attached.

R.I.P. Ralph Peterson (1962 - 2021).

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Word has reached us of the sad passing of the American drummer, composer and bandleader Ralph Peterson. A statement from his publicist, Lydia Liebman, is attached.

Prime Trio to release debut album on March 5th 2021.

Monday, March 01, 2021

The Scottish group Prime Trio, led by guitarist Kevin MacKenzie & featuring organist Pete Johnstone & drummer Doug Hough will release their debut album, "Prime", on March 5th 2021. Press release att.

The Floor Creator Fund - January 2021 Recipients.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Floor is a creator subscription and live streaming service designed to support creatives of all kinds. To that end, the fund was set up to support promising creatives through the pandemic.

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