Winner of the Parliamentary Jazz Award for Best Media, 2019

Jazz News

606 Jazz Club, Chelsea, London - Live Music Four Nights a Week Plus Livestreaming Through 606 Online.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Live music events have resumed at the 606 Club with reduced audience capacity, but with selected performances also being livestreamed globally. Details attached.

Laura Thorne, Marketing Manager at the 606 has forwarded the following information;

606 Club: Live Music Four Nights a Week Plus Livestreaming Through 606 Online

Hello all you connoisseurs of culture and lovers of live music - it’s certainly been a while since we’ve been in touch with you, and we hope that all of you are keeping well in spite of the trying circumstances in which we find ourselves.


As you might already know, the 606 was forced to close in March in response to the coronavirus crisis along with so many other businesses. However, we have now re-opened Sunday through Thursday nights - one of the first venues in London to do so - and are slowly starting to resume our usual activities, albeit with a reduced number of staff (I am only here part-time at the moment for example).


We have recently confirmed most, though not all of our September schedule, which is on the website here: The musicians performing during the first few weeks of opening include mainstays of the UK jazz and soul scene such as Liane Carroll, Tony Kofi, Wayne Hernandez, Georgina Jackson, Alice Zawadzki, Noel McCalla and Derek Nash, many of whom have been working at the the Club for decades or longer.


Obviously safety has to be paramount and the Club completed a twelve-page risk assessment, developing a comprehensive list of health and safety measures to limit exposure while maintaining the atmosphere customers know and love. These protocols can be reviewed in full on the Club’s website (


However in addition to opening to live audiences, the Club now has a state-of-the-art livestreaming platform developed during the lockdown period. Named 606 Online Live, it is currently live streaming shows on Saturday and Sunday nights to the UK and beyond, with re-streams in the UK and multiple time zones targeted to New York, Los Angeles, Australia and Japan. Streams cost an average of £4.99 each - visit to find out more.


It is vitally important that we reach out to as many people as possible as we try and recover from these months of lockdown!


Thank you so much and all very best wishes from the 606 Club.




606 Club
90 Lots Road
SW10 0QD


020 7352 5953

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