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Jazz News

A Christmas appeal from Sarah Ellen Hughes.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On Sunday December 2nd 2012 jazz vocalist Sarah Ellen Hughes is to release a Christmas single in aid of charity. Please read the attached appeal and support her if you can.

The following email from Sarah was forwarded on to me by Gary Stone of Pontypool Jazz who is helping to spread the word;

I’m writing to see if you would be able to help me out?

Next Sunday I’m releasing my Christmas single ? it’s a song I’ve written, and it’s sung by the children at my school.  We’re releasing it to raise money for a charity called Music as Therapy International, which is a UK-based charity working to support disabled children and adults for a better quality of life through music.

I need to make about 3,000 sales of the song to raise any money for the charity and this could possibly get us into the UK charts.  I’m taking on this massive project by myself as I don’t have any management/PR/record company on board, so I’m hoping to get some help from friends and colleagues, particularly people I’ve worked with before in a musical capacity, as this project is for a music charity.

The details are:

Let the Light Shine Down, by Riverside Children’s Choir

Written by Sarah Ellen Hughes

Released 2nd December 2012.

Sold in aid of Music as Therapy International.

Digital release only ? buy it for 79p on iTunes.


Song link:

And of course, it would be amazing if you could buy a copy next Sunday!!  Thank you so much!
