Composing in a crisis ... an update from Tim Kliphuis.
Monday, April 06, 2020
Dutch violinist Tim Kliphuis has forwarded his latest newsletter, including details of his current composing activities and the setting up of his new Patreon page.
Tim Kliphuis writes;
Composing in a crisis ... an update from Tim Kliphuis
Dear all,
Looking back with gratitude on my long USA tour and the one Russian concert in Kazan on 16 March - very poignant with the orchestra, crowd, Shlomo Mintz and myself knowing this would be the last for a while, just before everything shut down.
The new reality in my life, and that of my music colleagues, is that of no income other than some online teaching, and the hope that the current crisis will pass someday.
I have been using this time to work hard on my new composition “The Five Elements” which will be a mesmerizing and thought-provoking piece in 5 movements, about the state of the world.
For those who have lost loved ones, I am creating a new version of J.S. Bach’s Chaconne for violin solo (some of you have heard a halfway version in concert during the tour) as a soothing, 15-minute in memoriam.
Both pieces mean a lot to me and I am aiming to record them while I can’t travel internationally - but I will need support in making that happen.
That’s why I have started a page on Patreon, which offers a way of supporting me in exchange for exclusive tracks, live online concerts, and online talks; but also I will be involving you in the creative process and asking for your feedback.
Here I tell you more about it:
The link to become a patron is here:
Can I ask you to have a look? All support GREATLY appreciated!
Will keep you informed and hope we see each other live soon again.
Best wishes and stay safe,
Tim Kliphuis
The Netherlands