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Help Save ShapeShifter Lab - Gofundme campaign launched.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

A Gofundme campaign has been launched in aid of the Brooklyn, New York music venue ShapeShifterLab. Details attached.

This campaign was drawn to our attention by London venue The Vortex who write;

Another important jazz venue threatened by the pandemic is Matt Garrison’s ShapeshifterLab in Brooklyn, New York. The venue is host to innovative artists looking for a platform to present their music. A gofundme has also been set up to help secure the future of this special space.


Help Save ShapeShifter Lab

Fortuna Sung and 6 others are organising this fundraiser in aid of SSP Holdings LLC ShapeShifter Lab.


The last few days, ShapeShifter Lab has been featured in important segments on CNN , NPR “All Things Considered” and interviewed by the Washington Post, speaking as one of the many small businesses that have been negatively impacted by the Covid-19/Financial crisis.


The delay in federal relief funding and the difficulties in lease renewal negotiations while waiting to be allowed to reopen, have left us with possibly having to leave the building where we/you/us have built our business and have made our musical home over the last decade.


Although this will likely occur within the next few months, there is a silver lining and we are also impelled to see important opportunities ahead:

1. Our 501c3 ShapeShifter+ is pointing us to an important path forward

2. Some important/vital collaborations are forming with incredible, like minded entrepreneurs, with whom we see an option to move to a new location. We’ll launch a press release regarding that situation once there’s a clear path.

3. The software we’ve been creating for quite some time now, finally, has an option to be launched the RIGHT way. More to come on that exciting project as well.
In looking ahead, we are hopeful to partner with you and hope you will consider making a donation to ShapeShifter Lab through: GoFundMe


The funds will be used to:

- Assist in either remaining on site at Whitwell Place, or if negotiations fail with the current property owners, to relocate our operations to a new location within the next few months.

- Launching our new ShapeShifterLab/ShapeShifter+ programming series

- Supporting artists, organizers and other institutions in moving forward with their vital presentations with us, either on site or remotely

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve our Gowanus/Park Slope community and beyond, to celebrate the moments of joy together, to be part of the beautiful creative and forward thinking environment we’ve built together with all of you. We look forward to continuing on that path, in unity, as we slowly all gather our bearings after these unprecedented times. We hope you’ll work with us to, not only continue our groundbreaking path, but to also partner with us as we strive to build back, stronger and better!

18 Whitwell Pl, Brooklyn, NY 11215, United States.