Please help find stolen saxophones.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saxophonist Simon Stewart has had two Selmer saxophones stolen from his car. If you see them please inform the police. Full details are attached
We have received the following appeal from Simon;
Dear all - please see message below. If you hear something get in touch with Simon.
———-Original Message———-
From: simon stewart
Sent: 28 Apr ‘11 9:30am
Dear All,
On Wednesday 27 April, 2 Selmer saxophones were stolen from the boot of my car. The instruments are of great value as they are my livelihood.
The alto saxophone is a Selmer series 2. The palm keys are built up with cork, which should make it easily identifiable at a glance. SERIAL NUMBER 460783.
The soprano saxophone is a Selmer series 3 with 2 detachable crooks, one is silver-plated. The palm keys have been built up with black rubber and the body of the instrument has extra engraving on the back, both features should make this instrument easily identifiable. SERIAL NUMBER N644161.
The instruments were in a grey Selmer fabric double case so they may be offered as a pair. Likewise if the instruments have been split you may offered a single instrument in a double case.
The instruments have been reported stolen to the police. If you are offered the instruments to buy or to sell on I would be grateful if you could contact the police on the following number quoting the crime reference number:
Telephone: 03001231212
Crime reference number: CAD11455
Failing all else my contact details as follows: Simon Stewart - 07778 628444
Please can you pass this information on to as many musicians, teachers, shops, enthusiasts as you know.
Many thanks