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Jazz News

Zoe Schwarz and Rob Koral, Blue Commotion, Pledge Music campaign.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Vocalist Zoe Schwarz and guitarist Rob Koral have launched a Pledge Music campaign to help fund the forthcoming album by their band Blue Commotion. Details attached.

Text from
The site also includes an introductory video.

Thank you all for taking the time to look at our Pledge Music campaign. And thanks to all of you who have come to one of our gigs, bought a previous album and supported live music generally. As you know, we live in the age of the corporate machine, and most forms of creative, intelligent art (and in our case music) have been sidelined to the category of ?Specialist’. This of course erodes the quality of all our lives and tries to feed us a diet of musical ?junk food’. Don’t get us wrong, we are incredibly positive people and are enjoying the challenge of ?getting our music out there’!

Personally we have been on such a roll these last couple of years and new songs keep pouring out of us. The response to our first two albums has shown us that this band has so much potential, and in return this has really fuelled our energy and desire.

To help us see how far we can take this, we are asking you to look through our varied list of ?Pledge Exclusives’ so that we can generate funds in advance of us going back into the studio at the end of May. In return for your contribution you have a variety of exclusives to choose from, and the knowledge that you have played a big part in making this album happen.

Your support will enable us to record between ten and twelve new, original songs. In return we’ll keep you informed of our progress through every stage, from recording, to mixing, to post production and our ideas and images for the art work. That’s us running through the skeleton a new song on the ?Pledge Video’.

We invite you to comment at any point during this process, after all it’s your support and involvement that is helping make this possible.

Rob and Zoe x

For details of the various pledge options please visit;